Wedding Ring Scam
Wedding Ring Scam What is a Wedding Ring scam? This is a scam that was provided to us by a few of our users. A scammer will post on an online marketplace, usually Facebook marketplace. They will post about how their fiancé left them at the alter and they are just trying to get rid […]
Tollbooth Scam (Florida)
Tollbooth Scam (Florida) What is a Tollbooth (Florida) scam? With beach season on the horizon, scammers are using tollbooth scam messages to harvest user information and credit data. Once the victim clicks on the provided link, they will be taken to a scam website that is often designed to look incredibly similar to the legitimate […]
Is this you Scam?
Is this you Scam? What is an Is this you scam? “I got a message from a friend with a link that said “is this you?”” We have received this scam numerous times by many users, as this is a very effective scam. It plays on our natural curiosities and who isn’t nervous about a […]
Everyone is Getting this Wrong Scam
Everyone is getting this Wrong Scam What is a Everyone is getting this Wrong scam? This is a scam recently submitted to us by a user who had this happen to him. The scammer will send an unsolicited message regarding a simple riddle and if they get it right, they will send over some money […]
Words With Friends Scam
Words With Friends Scam What is a Words With Friends scam? As the name implies, this is a scam that targets users of the popular mobile game Words With Friends. We have received many reports from users explaining that they receive unsolicited messages from low rank users with a profile picture of a woman. The […]
Your Order has been Confirmed Scam
Your Order has been Confirmed Scam What is a Your Order has been Confirmed scam? This is a type of scam that is similar to a refund scam, where no order has been made but the scammer attempts to trick the victim into thinking they have already purchased something, or that someone has used their […]
Information Gathering Message Scam
Information Gathering Message Scam What is an Information Gathering scam? On the surface this can just look like a very harmless text exchange, but depending on the severity of the scammer and their objectives, giving out any bit of information like this could lead to serious consequences in the future. The scammer here is searching […]
Death Threat Scam
Death Threat Scam What is a Death Threat scam? Death threat scams come in all different forms, but the underlining message is usually that the scammer is pretending to be a hitman who has been hired to take you out. They will then say that if you contact them within a certain amount of time, […]
Deepfake AI Investment Scam
Deepfake AI Investment Scam What is a Deepfake AI Investment scam? With AI technology it is now possible for scammers to create fake videos of famous celebrities and use that to create videos attempting to scam individuals. These videos in particular attempt to trick individuals into falling for fake investment opportunities. Common individuals used in […]
Daughter Car Crash Scam
Daughter Car Crash Scam What is a Daughter Car Crash scam? The daughter car crash scam is a rather new scam submitted to us from our users. A woman pretending to be a daughter will call you in a panic and explain they were in a car accident and need your assistance. They will try […]