
Top 10 Most Common Scams of 2023: Key Insights and How to Protect Yourself

Top 10 Most Common Scams of 2023

As we reflect on 2023, understanding the prevalent scams helps us prepare and protect ourselves better for the future. This article outlines the most common scams encountered over the year, explains what they entail, and offers practical advice on how to safeguard against them. Warded is dedicated to bringing you the latest and most valuable information on prevalent scams. 

Romance Scams

What is a Romance Scam?

  • Romance scams involve deceivers who create fake profiles on dating sites to win their victims’ trust and eventually persuade them to send money under the guise of a romantic or personal crisis.

How to Stay Safe from Romance Scams?

  • Proceed cautiously with online relationships, especially those that escalate quickly, and never send money or personal information to someone you have not met in person. Click here to learn the most common signs of a romance scam.

Phishing Emails

What is a Phishing Email?

  • These are fraudulent emails designed to appear as if they are from legitimate institutions, aiming to coax recipients into providing sensitive data such as passwords and credit card numbers.

How to Stay Safe from Phishing Emails?

  • Check the sender’s email address for authenticity, avoid clicking on any links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, and verify any requests independently. Phishing emails continue to one of the most common types of scams — To learn more about phishing emails, click here.

Investment Scams

What is an Investment Scam?

  • Scammers promise high returns with little risk, using opportunities that typically involve complex or poorly understood financial instruments or strategies.

How to Stay Safe from Investment Scams?

  • Always conduct thorough research, verify all claims, and consult with a financial advisor registered with a recognized regulatory body. Click here to learn more about investment fraud and how to stay protected from it.

Government Impersonation Scams

What is a Government Impersonation Scam?

  • These scams involve fraudsters pretending to be government officials to extract personal information or money by claiming the victim has legal issues or owes taxes. Fake IRS impersonation scams have been around for a long time and they aren’t going anywhere soon — Click here to see how to stay safe from fake IRS impersonation scams.

How to Stay Safe from Government Impersonation Scams?

  • Be skeptical of unsolicited communications. Legitimate government agencies will not request sensitive information or payments in this manner.

Tech Support Scams

What is a Tech Support Scam?

  • In these scams, fraudsters claim your computer is infected with a virus and offer to fix it, usually for a fee or by gaining remote access to your computer.

How to Stay Safe from Tech Support Scams?

  • Never allow remote access to your device from an unsolicited tech support claim and always verify any tech issues directly with the service provider through official contact channels. The best way to prevent yourself from falling victim to a tech support scam is to know the signs – click here to see more examples of tech support scams.

Fake Charity Scams

What is a Fake Charity Scam?

  • After disasters or during holiday seasons, scammers set up fraudulent charities or impersonate well-known charity organizations to solicit donations.

How to Stay Safe from Fake Charity Scams?

  • Donate directly through established charities and verify their authenticity through official resources like charity watchdogs. For more information on fake charity scams and disaster relief scams, click here.

Job Offer Scams

What is a Job Offer Scam?

  • These scams involve offers of non-existent jobs that typically require the job seeker to pay for training or recruitment fees upfront.

How to Stay Safe from Job Offer Scams?

  • Apply for jobs through reputable and verified sources and be wary of any offer that requires upfront payment. Moreover, if a job offer has many grammatical errors and is processed through WhatsApp or other social media sites, proceed with caution. Job offer scams can be incredibly difficult to catch, therefore, it’s more important than ever to remain prepared for them. To review job offer scams, click here.

Health Insurance Scams

What is a Health Insurance Scam?

  • Scammers offer bogus health insurance deals, aiming to collect your personal data or money for plans that provide no real coverage.

How to Stay Safe from Health Insurance Scams?

  • Purchase plans only from licensed health insurance providers and verify their legitimacy with your state’s insurance department.

Text Message Scams (Smishing)

What is a Text Message Scam (Smishing)?

  • These involve deceptive text messages designed to make you disclose personal information or financial details.

How to Stay Safe from Text Message Scams?

  • Ignore requests for personal information sent via text and verify any potentially legitimate requests through known and official channels. Texting will only get more and more prevalent in our daily lives, which means it’s just not possible to ignore every text message you receive. Click here to learn how you can safely navigate any unsolicited text message. 

Grandparent Scams

What is a Grandparent Scam?

  • Scammers impersonate grandchildren or other family members claiming to be in urgent need of money for emergencies.

How to Stay Safe from Grandparent Scams?

  • Verify the identity of the caller through personal questions or by contacting them through another familiar method before sending any funds. For more information on grandparent scams, click here.

Top 10 Most Common Scams of 2023

Awareness and caution are your best defenses against scams. By familiarizing yourself with the tactics used by scammers in 2023 and adopting proactive safety measures, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from these deceptive practices.

Warded is here to Help!

Stay vigilant and informed by visiting our resources tab, where you can learn more about preventing scams and protecting your personal information by clicking here.

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Learn More About Other Scams